Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prompt #10: Lesson plan considerations

Open the syllabus for this course and look for the language regarding the development of five consecutive lesson plans and for the rubric by which your lesson plans will be assessed.  

Ask nc one question about this assignment.


  1. wade
    Will a series of lesson plans BASED on current curriculum be acceptable?

  2. @wade: Assuming you mean the curriculum you are currently teaching. Absolutely!

  3. It says we only have to present ONE out of the 5 day lesson plan, are we actually presenting all 5 lesson plans??

  4. Do we need to create a summative assessment for each lesson or just one summative assessment for the entire week's content?

  5. wade
    yessir. Gracias.

  6. Is the curriculum plan to be used for the upcoming StAAR Test or the present TEKS? Also can we peruse some old lesson plans that we have used for other classes on the same subject.

  7. If I've never developed lesson plans what would be my best resource for basic structure?

  8. Good question Jason.

  9. @Nick: You're developing plans for five classes. You'll be teaching us only ONE of those.

  10. TEKS standards and curriculum for a particular subject.

  11. Okay so I can take 5 of my inclusion and general ed lesson plans that I am currently using at my school and present them.

  12. @J-Dub: It's your call sir. You can develop a summative for all five or just a cumulative summative for the unit. I would be inclined toward the latter, since time spent in assessment is time not spent in instruction.

  13. @RJR: If you will be teaching a subject that is STAAR/TAKS tested then I would assume you'll develop lessons that are aligned with the TEKS.
    Per your bonus question, the sample lessons you will find on the Internet are generally of higher quality than what I could dig up from previous classes (due to the novice vs veteran nature of those documents).

  14. @CG: There are many structures/formats that are nice (I've even seen them done via mindmapping). The elements are generally the same in all (minimum expectations are listed in the rubric in the syllabus). I'm partial to the Wiggins/McTighe model of planning.

  15. So you want 5 lessons and we are only presenting one right? Devin

  16. @SP: You sure may. You and Wade have a bit of an advantage on the rest of the class in that you're already neck deep in "the practice."

  17. Sign-off
    Let’s call it quits for this evening.
    Another good night of mind-bending, folks.
    Watch your email for assignments for next week.
    We’re on the downhill slide now…

  18. I bid you all goodnight!

  19. wade
    lots of templates out there, guys. lemme know if you need any.
