Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prompt #1:Invocation

View the video of Larry Norman’s song “Outlaw” at this link: 

Respond by making some observation/comment about the video and/or the song lyrics.


  1. The video seemed to portray an accurate description of what the life of Jesus was, from the sandals he was wearing to the shape of the cross He was hanging on. Song wasn't sung well, but the video was well done.

  2. Well I've been a Christian by choice for quite a longtime,but I never considered Jesus an outlaw. My view has changed. He must have had the most courage of any man who has lived, in order to change the direction of religion in his day and have it last until the present and beyond. Also I really liked the song and it's message of what the death of Jesus brings to Christian believers,which is everlasting life. JRJ

  3. wade
    Interesting repeat of 'Some say,' I sorta waited for a development or hook on that refrain..
    Such words today describe newsmakers from every sector from industry to arts: sorcerer, trickster, man of mystery, conjurer, .....then, at the final verse: politician.
    ps.: questions about speaking out (and modern-day but familiar consequences) can be referred to protestors in NYC area this last week.

  4. I was very impressed with the pictures because they all seem to connect to what was being said at the beginning. The all seemed to be things that were amazing and created by the Lord, and I believe it is true that He is above all else and the highest of the high. Then during the song all of the pictures of the people and actions seem to be of the moments I have read about in the Bible about all of the healings that were performed. All of the pictures also seemed to relate to the songs lyrics in the perfect way to help me be able to visualize it even better.

  5. Would have preferred a Zeppelin video but this one's ok I guess (kidding!). I think the artist did an excellent job of portraying the various perceptions of Jesus by the people of His time (outlaw/poet/politician/sorcerer) and the lesser recognized but much more important title of Son of God.
    Jason White

  6. I like how Norman portrayed Jesus in his many shapes and forms, but I like the point he made that he is ruler over all heaven and earth. Sometimes we forget just how difficult it must have been to be put in a position where many people think you are an outcast and still think of them as your children. Devin

  7. I saw the many perspectives towards a person, ideas, theology, and character.
    It brought to my attention that I need to consider the many perspectives of others, that no one thinks, believes, or acts like me. CG
