Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prompt #8: Malisimo List

In the style of a David Letterman Top 10 List, create a 
“Top 5 Things You Really Don’t Want To Do As a Grader of Student Work.”


  1. 5. I don't like this student so they will fail.
    4. I will spill coffee on the works of the boot lickers.
    3. The rubric will change every depending on the mood I'm in.
    2. The grading will become more difficult every time the Cowboys choke.
    1. All will fail because there is not enough time for me to grade the student's work.JRJ

  2. !. Grade completely off of effort
    2. Give any zeros
    3. Give a semester test (I would like to give weekly tests)
    4. Include No Feedback and Have my students questioning or confused
    5. Grade the work too long after it has been submitted (I want to grade in a timely fashion so we all remember the content and work)

  3. 5) I don't want to have to spend all night wondering what every word is they are trying to spell.
    4) I don't want to see students copying each other word for word.
    3) I dont want to have to grade a paper that has been in the back of a locker, bottom of a backpack, or something spilled on it.
    2) I don't want to have change my red pen because I used all the ink.
    1) I dont want to grade a perfect paper and then find out there is no name on it.

  4. wade
    Top 5 things you really don't want to do as a grader of student work:
    5. Admit to his parents that the profanity outside the margin is the only correct grammar you could find.
    4. Apply half the whole dang semester's average to a sugar cube Alamo project.
    3. Summarily give zeroes without any opportunity to re-do or re-submit.
    2. Collect papers on Columbus Day, and return them on Valentine's.
    1. Give Suzy Q. Cheerleader a 99 (she is in Debate, Choir, Student Council, Athletics, and has beautiful penmanship), while Zeke gets a 60 (Zeke- with his unruly attitude, old clothes, malodorous ways, and chicken-scratch writing samples).

  5. wade
    nice, Devin. Grades were indeed due this last week.

  6. 5. Give nothing but multiple-choice tests.
    4. Provide students with vague, deconstructive feedback.
    3. Give students only one option for any/all assignments.
    2. Make no modifications to assignment difficulty based on student progress (or lack thereof).
    1. Assume that I am always right.

  7. pretty funny Wade

  8. Top five things I want to do as an educator now include eat a sugar cube Alamo!

  9. 5. I don't want to dread the grading process
    4. I don't want the monotny of cloned worksheets
    3. I don't want to have to say My dog ate my homework
    2. I don't want to loose my best grading pen
    1. I don't want to have graded excellent work and to have poor assessment grades

  10. 5) Grade papers harder because my sports team lost that weekend.
    4) Jumping straight to the answer and not check the work for understanding
    3) Finding out that the cheat sheet your using to grade from is from the wrong chapter and students are making perfect grades.
    2) Grade purely off of the poor hand writing in a non English class
    1) Grade off of their work only and not the
