Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prompt #2: Assessment Task

View the musical rendition provided by Jason Mraz at this link:  

Give him a grade for the performance.  Provide rationale for the grade that you give.


  1. "B" He seemed to be more interested in making funny faces than trying to sing the song. Not to bad for an acoustic version, but most true acoustic versions do not have a drum playing in them.

  2. Joel--I think he has a good voice and he was able to sing the song within the melody, but he did make some funny faces. Usually in my own experience when my eyes roll back into my head I'm reaching a different plane of mind,but he didn't break anything out after his eyes turned upwards. I would give him a b+. I a little biased because I like improv. on the spot creations.

  3. wade
    Well, the intro is clean, balanced; the harmonies are minimal yet effective (a personal treat): however, the percussion tended to drone on until the welcomed bridge, and I'm not real sure about the big finish (a bit much on the improv for me). I do, however, dig the lyrics in general.
    Overall, it was professional and clean, while musical and complex without being condescending,
    I'll give it 8 shoelaces, out of a perfect 10.
    2 more shoelaces would go to a version w/an acoustic bass, less percussion, and less pomp in the end.

  4. I liked seeing him connect with the song, but I think he could have done a little less and still connected. I think he was too worried about the connection people would see in this video instead of singing as much. I did think there was a good beat and good song over all though, so I would give him an A-. It was better than I would have done in all.

  5. It looked like to me that he really gets into this song. I really dont know a lot about his music but if thats how he has to make his face when he sings I guess thats ok. I liked the song its kind of catchy. Ill give him an A. Devin

  6. Very clever lyrics and catchy hooks but his attempts at conveying a humorous and welcoming presence seemed very cartoony and worked against the song rather than with it. Not even close to my cup of tea but I will recognize he is a very talented vocalist (though I felt his guitar skills are mediocre at best). Overall good musically but his demeanor made the visual presentation awkward.

  7. I give him 'B' I think his vocale performance was a 10 but there was no excitement to the physical performance. CG
