Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prompt #9: Educational Psychology, Chapter 14

Formative and summative assessments are discussed in Chapter 14 (and were the subject of Wade’s research).  

An analogy of those has been posited as follows: summative assessments are like an autopsy, while formative assessments are like regular physicals done by a physician.  

In relation to some hobby you have or work skill you possess, describe what a formative and a summative assessment for that skill might look like.


  1. I have some skill in the art of painting.
    A formative assessment would be the ability to mix paints, use a pallet, to draw a sketch of what I will paint, decide on the type of paint to use, and the time I am spending on the painting.
    The summative assessment will be how the actual painting turned out. Are the figures recognizable, where the proper steps followed. Did I complete the painting in the timeframe.. JRJ

  2. Summative assessments are like a 5 tier wedding cake, while formative assessment is like the yearly birthday cake

  3. Formative assessment is like drafting my fantasy football team, Summative assessment is like kicking everyone's butt all year and winning the fantasy football championship.

  4. I would have to say that a summative assessment would be the athletic training test, and a formative type would be each evaluation I do on injured people. This is a field that I am wanting to go into, and I see athletic training as a hobby that I have enjoyed doing. The summative assessment will take everything I have learned and add it into one while the formative will take certain scenarios only and help me improve.

  5. Formative assessment is like buying a lottery ticket, summative assessment is winning the lottery and enough money to retire and devote my life to wanderlust.

  6. With regard to music, formative assessment is the collective listening and rehearsal 'play-through,' the seven times it takes to get it 'down'; also, the kitchen versions and warmup chord patterns to ease performance woes.

    Summative example, of course, is the gig - Performance of current abilities and skills, which earns evaluative 'result; ' ...broadcasting the 'level of accomplishment attained.' p.495

  7. I'm getting a little worried about our collective depth of understanding here...

  8. wade
    too many quotes. sorry.

  9. I give private baseball lessons to students of all ages. Last year I did over a thousand lessons so I'm able to evaluate players at I high level I think. After about two 30 minute lessons with a kid I feel pretty good where they are skill and talent wise, so i will determine a summative assessment based on his years of experience, age, and natural ability. From the earlier evaluations I will create a formative assessment that will allow me to put the student on a path to be better themselves in the certain fields that I feel appropriate. Also the formative assessment will allow me to see how certain kids handled the training and use whatever outcomes to better my teaching and evaluating. Devin

  10. In the pharmacy I am given weekly formative assessments of my work (number and accuracy of scripts typed, etc.) and a once yearly summative assessment in the form of a yearly evaluation encompassing all of my work skills/abilities.

  11. I think baking is a process. There are certain skills that need to be mastered before I can achieve my goal. Each cake I learn a different skill wether a new recipe or filling, decorationg technique. I think that is the way educational learning is building skill upon skill to have a greater mastery, product, and implementation.
